2012年3月7日 星期三

There is More to the Zodiac Signs That Meets the Eye

The zodiac signs say a lot. Originally they were used for navigation purposes. However today, there is a belief in astrology that says that the zodiac sign of your birth can foretell how your daily events will go and whether or not there is some compatibility in your love life. You may have a good day or a bad day all based on what the stars have forecasted for you.

Zodiac sign compatibility seems to loom the most in people's minds. They check their sign against that of their partners. They read their daily horoscope and tend to believe that it is true. Some people are religiously devoted to astrology and how it affects their every day lives. Some people base their relationships on the zodiac to tell them if they are compatible.

Compatible zodiac signs are probably the most used for some people in determining their astrology love compatibility with another person. Is this merely hocus pocus or is there something that relates to when you were born, which in turn dictates how you will behave and what will happen to you?

The first known celestial coordinates come to mankind from the stars. The zodiac signs were used to determine one's place in the universe and were navigational guides in the darkened sky.

The ecliptic, or the cycle of the twelve stations along the sun's path, through the heavens was a valuable tool. Later, the science of astronomy became less interested in the prediction of one's day and love life, and more upon the science of the stars.

There is more to its sign than what is used primarily today by Western cultures. Many other cultures have their own versions of the zodiac. Take for example the Chinese zodiac sign, which is not only used to identify a birth month but also the birth year and works on a twelve year cycle.

Each year is represented by an animal, such as a rooster, dragon and tiger. The sign in Indian culture, along with the Chinese zodiac sign, relies heavily on a different set of constellations due to how the earth's rotation and the sun's rotation have changed over the years.

Humanity turns to the stars at night to watch the constellations, yet it was not that long ago when the constellations were used as navigational guides around the world. Astrology and astronomy worked together to map out the heavens but somewhere along the line astrology split from astronomy and became based more in mysticism than in actual science. The zodiac signs have become a way of foretelling the future for some followers. Whether or not it is true is entirely based on your point of view.

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Zodiac Tattoo Designs - How to Choose the Zodiac Tattoo Design That Works For You

 Zodiac tattoo designs are becoming more and more popular. The mankind has been fascinated by the mysticism of the universe ever since they named the stars and the constellations. The mysterious connection between the position of the stars and the personality of people  led to the creating of the Greek/Roman zodiac, Chinese Zodiac, Vedic zodiac etc.  Here are some ideas how to choose the proper zodiac tattoo design for you:

1 Your Zodiac Sign.  Each of the 12 sign in the Western zodiac is represented by a specific symbol. Using your sign symbol as the base of your tattoo seems like the most logical choice. That's a great way to express your personality and your inner world. Certain zodiac symbols like Gemini are more open to interpretation. You can find almost endless variety in the artistic representation of the image. Others like Libra or Taurus, have more limited artistic representation.

2 The zodiac sign of loved ones. A lot of people choose to get a tattoo of a loved one-parents, children, a beloved family member, lifelong friend, a person of great importance in your life. This is a great way to pay tribute to people who influenced your life positively. Choosing the zodiac sign of a lover or intimate partner is not always the best of choices. In many occasion we end up regretting these tattoos.

3 Same planets, different zodiacs. Almost every single culture has its own version of the zodiac. Zodiac symbols that are not taken from the Western zodiac can add a sense of mysticism to the tattoo.

Zodiac tattoo designs are a great way to express your unique personality or the personality of loved ones. Choosing the right zodiac tattoo design is very important. Rash decision can sometimes turn into lifelong regrets. Make sure you browse enough tattoo designs, before you make up your mind.

Author: Irena Bocheva


Having second thoughts about a tattoo?Then you haven't found the perfect tattoo design for you. Click on the link above to browse thousands of tattoo designs.

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Zodiac Symbol Tattoos - The Personality Tattoos

When you are in a situation where you want to remember something or keep certain ideas in your mind, you may want to take a look and see what zodiac symbol tattoos can do for you. Tattoos that use the zodiac symbols are a great way to make some permanent art on your body, and you'll find that with just a little bit of work, you'll be able to move forward and find some excellent art that can immediately signify everything that you want it to. When you are looking for a way to put some really gorgeous art on your body, you'll find that the zodiac symbol tattoos are a terrific way to do that.

If you are thinking about getting some zodiac symbol tattoos, you'll find that you have many options. The first and most simple option is to take a look at the highly simplified characters that make up a zodiac sign tattoos. For instance, the Sagittarius tattoo is the sign of the Archer, and because of this, it is often represented as an arrow, while the Taurus tattoo, the sign of the Bull, is represented by a circle and horns at the top, representing the head of the animal. These simple symbols are perfect when you are looking into putting zodiac art on your skin.

You'll also find that you have plenty of options when it comes to putting more realistic and less stylized types of art on your skin. Take, for instance, the symbol of the Lion, Leo. You'll find that you can very easily have this symbol put on your skin as a real Lion tattoo, and that you'll be able to move forward fairly quickly and have the art created that will reflect your aims. What does Leo mean to you? You may choose to reflect the strength or the endurance of this sign, or you might choose to depict it as courageous and unwilling to hide.

When you are looking for something a little less standard, take a look at the Chinese zodiac. Chinese zodiac symbol tattoos are quite popular and can be quite lovely, whether you go with some broad black linework, or you choose to go ahead and get the Chinese characters themselves. Do you know if you are a Rat, a Horse, a Cow or Rooster? Take a look and see what aspects of this zodiac match your personality and your aims.

When you are thinking about getting a tattoo, remember that it will be on you for ever. With this in mind, you'll find that simply by taking a look at your artistic options and making sure that you take the time to really consider the plan of the art in front of you, you'll have many different choices to make, all of which will result in an excellent permanent decoration of your body

Darryl Paul is the author of this article and runs the blog In Loving Memory Tattoos

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2012年3月6日 星期二

Tattoo of Zodiac Symbols - Why to Get a Tattoo of Zodiac Symbols

People who believe in astrology normally get a zodiac symbol tattoo as a way to express their belief in astrology. They wish to show their place in our solar system.

The way that people go about getting a zodiac symbol is just about as varied as the symbols themselves. There are many simple, common designs available.

Small, black outlined western symbols are simple and small yet at the same time small and stylish to place. The Chinese zodiac symbols are another example of this simple yet stylish concept. These are similar to the simple western symbols, but use kanji lettering to describe each design. The Chinese symbols are often also easily transformed into tribal tattoos.


This is done by adding some color, and creating sharper edges. If you prefer a larger display of your astrological beliefs, then a larger tattoo of zodiac symbols may be preferred. You could use an actual symbol, or a literal translation of your tattoo.


For example, you may get an aggressive looking bull done if you are a Taurus. Or you could get a modest, kind set of twins embracing if you are a Gemini. If you are born between signs (e.g. 30 Nov and 17 Dec) then you could consider blending your zodiac signs. This is done particularly well with the sun, moon and star signs.


Actually you have an interesting option available to you on these particular dates, which is the zodiac symbol of Ophiuchus, the highly debated 13th star sign. This symbol is often displayed as a Greek god struggling with an enormous serpent. Or in simple form, you would find two snakes coiling around a winged staff. Getting a tattoo of zodiac symbols is one of the many ways you can express the "unique you" in a tattoo. As everything in your life will change over time, your date of birth and the astrological stars will remain in tact forever.


So where do you get the perfect zodiac design? You could always drop by your local tattoo parlor. The problem with this approach is that you tend to feel rushed into making your decision. Why not get access to an online gallery and then pick the perfect design on your own time. Then when YOU ready, print it off onto tattoo paper and drop by your tattoo artist to get it done. Not only will you pick your design on your own time, but you will have access to thousands of award-winning designs from international artists - much more unique than your local tattoo parlor!

Sebastian Williams is a qualified tattoo artist and has been involved in the world of tattoo art for the the last 9 years. Click Here [http://www.tattoo-disciples.com] If you want more Tattoo of Zodiac Symbols [http://www.tattoo-disciples.com].

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Zodiac Symbol Tattoos - Chinese Zodiac Will Make it Unique

Zodiac symbol tattoos can be a great way to express yourself.

When you make a statement by using zodiac symbol tattoos, you are saying that you can relate to the description of the sign. Even though billions of people share the same zodiac sign, it still defines us and explains some of our characteristics. Many people feel that their astrological sign describes them better than a friend or loved one can.

A unique twist to express your tattoo is to use Chinese zodiac symbol tattoos.

The year that you were born has been given a symbol of an animal. The heavenly animals in the Chinese zodiac start with Rat, followed by Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. In the lunar year of 2008, the cycle repeats with the year of the rat.

Rat (Year - 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)
Ox (Year - 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997)
Tiger (Year - 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998)
Rabbit (Year - 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999)
Dragon (Year - 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)
Snake (Year - 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)
Horse (Year - 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)
Sheep (Year - 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)
Monkey (Year - 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)
Rooster (Year - 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)
Dog (Year - 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)
Pig (Year - 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

There are many ways you can combine the Chinese zodiac symbol with your astrological sign symbol and come up with a unique tattoo design.

Designing unique zodiac symbol tattoos is all about finding what speaks to you and using it.

You have to have a bond with your tattoo. It is a representation of you, it is your way of making a statement to the world. When you explain the tattoo, people should get a better understanding of you. You want your tattoo to be memorable to not only you but those around you.

The best way to find unique zodiac symbol tattoos is to take the suggestions above, add your imagination and then browse online tattoo galleries to find your best design. You can take pieces from different designs to create a great one for you.

Choosing a tattoo can be a hard decision. It will be with you for life so you want it to be unique and imaginative. Find great zodiac symbol tattoos by looking through thousands of the best tattoo designs all in one place. Check out this review of the best online tattoo galleries. Join one now and find your ultimate tattoo.

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The Chinese Year of the Monkey

People born under the Chinese sign of the Monkey are great fun to be around. Monkeys are bouncy people, always young at heart, born entertainers, loving pranks and riddles. Happiest when they have an audience, they love social gatherings that are light-hearted. Others forgive their tendency to show off because they are such fun to have around.

People born under this sign are intelligent and quick thinkers. However, this can lead to impatience with others and boredom.

Monkeys attract many friends because they are amusing and witty. However, they are not particularly loyal or reliable. They are so busy several interests at once that they often ignore others. They don't intend to be hurtful, it's just that their enthusiasm gets the better of them.

Monkeys are best suited to flexible, fast moving careers that can meet their need for change. Few Monkeys stay in the same career for life.

There are twelve Chinese year signs in the Chinese Zodiac. Unlike in our western astrology, in Chinese astrology each sign lasts for a year. Legend has it that as Buddha was about to depart the earth he summoned all the animals to say goodbye. Only twelve turned up so, to show his appreciation of their loyalty, he vowed that from then on each year would bear the name of one of the animals.

Chinese astrology is based on the Lunar Calendar. This means the Chinese New Year does not fall on the same day each year and can vary by as much as 3 weeks. So for babies born in late January/early February it is necessary to consult the charts to determine the correct sign.

Chinese Years:

February 9, 2005 - January 28, 2006: Rooster

January 22, 2004 - February 8, 2005: Monkey

February 1, 2003 - January 21, 2004: Goat

February 12, 2002 - January 31, 2003: Horse

January 24, 2001 - February 11, 2002: Snake

February 5, 2000 - January 23, 2001: Dragon

February 6, 1999 - February 4, 2000: Rabbit

January 28, 1998 - February 5, 1999: Tiger

February 8, 1997 - January 27, 1998: Ox

February 19,1996 - February 7, 1997: Rat

January 31, 1995 - February 18, 1996: Pig

February 10, 1994 - January 30, 1995: Dog

January 23, 1993 - February 9, 1994: Rooster

February 4, 1992 - January 22, 1993: Monkey

February 15, 1991 - February 3,1992: Goat

January 27, 1990 - February 14, 1991: Horse

February 6, 1989 - January 26, 1990: Snake

February 17, 1988 - February 5, 1989: Dragon

January 29, 1987 - February 16, 1988: Rabbit

February 9, 1986 - January 28, 1987: Tiger

February 20, 1985 - February 8, 1986: Ox

February 2, 1984 - February 19, 1985: Rat

February 13, 1983 - February 1, 1984: Pig

February 25, 1982 - February 12, 1983: Dog

February 5, 1981 - January 24, 1982: Rooster

February 16, 1980 - February 4, 1981: Monkey

January 28, 1979 - February 15, 1980: Goat

February 7, 1978 - January 27, 1979: Horse

February 18, 1977 - February 6, 1978: Snake

January 31, 1976 - February 17, 1977: Dragon

February 11, 1975 - January 30, 1976: Rabbit

January 23, 1974 - February 10, 1975: Tiger

February 3, 1973 - January 22, 1974: Ox

February 15, 1972 - February 2, 1973: Rat

January 27, 1971 - February 14, 1972: Pig

February 6, 1970 - January 26, 1971: Dog

February 17, 1969 - February 5, 1970: Rooster

January 30, 1968 - February 16, 1969: Monkey

February 9, 1967 - January 29, 1968: Goat

January 21, 1966 - February 8, 1967: Horse

February 2, 1965 - January 20, 1966: Snake

Author: Tony Luck who runs a website with advice for moms-to-be and new moms. The site includes the interesting chinese pregnancy calendar which is supposed to tell you whether the baby you are expecting will be a boy or girl. If you need a unique personalised gift for a baby, visit our site.

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2012年3月5日 星期一

The Beauty and Wisdom of Chinese Astrology

Chinese Astrology

Like Western Astrology, Chinese Astrology uses twelve different signs or symbols to define twelve basic groups of human being. These are known as the Chinese Animal Signs. Akin to western astrology, the Chinese system uses a person or an events birth date as the basis for his / her / its sign.

"This is the animal that hides in your heart."

- old Chinese saying -

Chinese zodiacal signs run within a (Chinese calendar) year based system. Each Chinese sign has a different animal name and correlates to one Chinese calendar year. Chinese astrology is interwoven into the Chinese calendar and its 12-year cycle of animals (aka Chinese Zodiac). The fortune-telling aspects of a persons animal sign is determined according to the movement of the heavenly bodies (i.e. planets) across the Chinese constellations in the sky.

Planetary Positions

The position of the five planets at the time you were born determines the destiny of your life. Your Chinese animal sign acts like a lens through which your fate is projected. This system of computing ones fate and destiny is still used regularly in modern day Chinese astrology.

The Planets and Chinese Elements

The ancient Chinese astronomers called the five major planets by the names of the Five Elements. Each element adds deeper meaning to each of the Chinese Animal Signs.

Venus = Metal: Determination, leisure, success, individuality, demanding

Jupiter = Wood: Late bloomer, advisor, counselor, faithful, entrepreneurs

Mercury = Water: Forceful, trustworthy, leadership, creativity, healer

Mars = Fire: Enthusiasm, decisive, adventure, love, perseverance

Saturn = Earth: Wisdom, peaceful, logic, disciplined, explorer

Chinese Constellations

The twenty-eight Chinese constellations (xìu) are quite different from the eighty-eight Western constellations. For example, the big dipper (Ursa Major) is known as dou; the belt of Orion is known as shen, or the "Happiness, Fortune, Longevity" trio of demigods. The seven northern constellations are referred to as xúanwu. Xuan Wu is also known as the spirit of the northern sky or the spirit of Water in Taoism belief.

Chinese Mythology

In addition to astrological readings of the heavenly bodies, the stars in the sky form the basis of many fairy tales. For example, the Summer Triangle is the trio of the cowherd (Altair), the spinster maid fairy (Vega) and the "tai bai" fairy (Deneb).

The two forbidden lovers were separated by the silvery river (the Milky Way). Each year on the seventh day of the seventh month in the Chinese calendar, the birds form a bridge across the Milky Way. The cowherd carries their two sons (the two stars on each side of Altair) across the bridge to reunite with their fairy mother. The tai bai fairy acts as the chaperone of these two immortal lovers.

The Beauty of Chinese Astrology

Chinese astrology is one of the most beautiful expressions of spiritual identity that we have been given. Through metaphors and imagery the longing of the soul to become one with the infinite is clearly expressed. Unlike western astrology Chinese astrology deals with the metaphysical aspects of life through a dreamlike narrative. The needs of the spirit are seen as through the eyes of a child.

Life and Astrology

Chinese astrology like Western astrology is only one of the paths to divine knowledge. Other avenues toward ultimate truth are all around us. The song of a bird, the sound of the sea, or the cry of a newborn child are all whispered hints of the natural order of things.

When one bird dies another will take up its song. If the sea were to dry up the wind would take its place. And, when an old man dies a baby will be born to continue his journey. This gift of life that we have been given is a sacred trust and the manner in which we choose to live it will really tell us who we are.

Eugene DeFazzio is the webmaster of XtraAstrology.com
http://www.XtraAstrology.com/ - Your guide to the stars and beyond.

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The Chinese Year of the Tiger

If you were born under the Chinese sign of the Tiger, it doesn't pay to argue with you! Tigers are usually larger than life, warm-hearted extroverts. They can't help being noticed and are often very good-looking. However, they can be quick tempered, laughing and joking one moment and angry the next, turning on anyone who annoys them.

Tigers are fearless and will pursue a perceived wrong no matter what. They have a restless spirit and hate to be confined. Tigers need to be free to roam.

Those born under this sign are idealistic but can be rebellious. Strong and tough, they will endure considerable physical hardship. Tigers are individuals who care little for material goods.

There are twelve Chinese year signs in the Chinese Zodiac. Unlike in our western astrology, in Chinese astrology each sign lasts for a year. Legend has it that as Buddha was about to depart the earth he summoned all the animals to say goodbye. Only twelve turned up so, to show his appreciation of their loyalty, he vowed that from then on each year would bear the name of one of the animals.

Chinese astrology is based on the Lunar Calendar. This means the Chinese New Year does not fall on the same day each year and can vary by as much as 3 weeks. So for babies born in late January/early February it is necessary to consult the charts to determine the correct sign.

You will find a chart of the dates and signs below.

Chinese Years:

February 9, 2005 - January 28, 2006: Rooster

January 22, 2004 - February 8, 2005: Monkey

February 1, 2003 - January 21, 2004: Goat

February 12, 2002 - January 31, 2003: Horse

January 24, 2001 - February 11, 2002: Snake

February 5, 2000 - January 23, 2001: Dragon

February 6, 1999 - February 4, 2000: Rabbit

January 28, 1998 - February 5, 1999: Tiger

February 8, 1997 - January 27, 1998: Ox

February 19,1996 - February 7, 1997: Rat

January 31, 1995 - February 18, 1996: Pig

February 10, 1994 - January 30, 1995: Dog

January 23, 1993 - February 9, 1994: Rooster

February 4, 1992 - January 22, 1993: Monkey

February 15, 1991 - February 3,1992: Goat

January 27, 1990 - February 14, 1991: Horse

February 6, 1989 - January 26, 1990: Snake

February 17, 1988 - February 5, 1989: Dragon

January 29, 1987 - February 16, 1988: Rabbit

February 9, 1986 - January 28, 1987: Tiger

February 20, 1985 - February 8, 1986: Ox

February 2, 1984 - February 19,1985: Rat

February 13, 1983 - February 1, 1984: Pig

February 25, 1982 - February 12, 1983: Dog

February 5, 1981 - January 24, 1982: Rooster

February 16, 1980 - February 4, 1981: Monkey

January 28, 1979 - February 15, 1980: Goat

February 7, 1978 - January 27, 1979: Horse

February 18, 1977 - February 6, 1978: Snake

January 31, 1976 - February 17, 1977: Dragon

February 11, 1975 - January 30, 1976: Rabbit

January 23, 1974 - February 10, 1975: Tiger

February 3, 1973 - January 22, 1974: Ox

February 15, 1972 - February 2, 1973: Rat

January 27, 1971 - February 14, 1972: Pig

February 6, 1970 - January 26, 1971: Dog

February 17, 1969 - February 5, 1970: Rooster

January 30, 1968 - February 16, 1969: Monkey

February 9, 1967 - January 29, 1968: Goat

January 21, 1966 - February 8, 1967: Horse

February 2, 1965 - January 20, 1966: Snake

Author: Tony Luck who runs a site offering advice to moms-to-be and new moms. The site includes the fascinating chinese pregnancy calendar which supposedly will tell you whether the baby you are expecting will be a boy or girl. Visit our shop for a great selection of personalised presents for any occasion.

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The Four Elements and Their Compatible Zodiac Signs

The Chinese zodiac signs are more than just symbols. They have cosmic groups that can be paired up and noted for their compatibility. Compatible zodiac signs have a lot to do with the four elements. Each zodiac falls under an element and share some common characteristics with its brethren. Using common and unique characteristics of each sign, compatibility between two signs can be determined.

The four elements are the earth, fire, air and water. Earth signs include Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Those under this element are highly ambitious and are gifted with the ability to make their dreams come true. They are determined and are great planners.

The fire element has Aries, Sagittarius and Leo under it. Persons under these signs are people-lovers. They love attention, are very warm and full of life. They are even more energized when exchanging ideas with other people.

The zodiacs under the element of air are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. These signs are very intelligible. They love facts, figures and details. They are natural communicators in the group that is why they build lasting relationships.

The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. They are compassionate and are have honed emotional skills. Their instincts are always on the go and they have the ability to sense things that are not of the physical world.

Compatible zodiac signs are based on these groupings.

Earth signs are most compatible with both earth and water signs. Earth and fire often do not make a great pair since earth signs can dampen the spirit of a fire sign. Earth and air can try to make things work but will not usually last a long time.

Some compatible zodiac signs for those under the earth element are:

• Taurus - Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo, Pisces

• Virgo - Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus

• Capricorn - Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo, Pisces

Fire signs go best with fire and air. A relationship with earth signs need extra effort to make it work while it is better to stay clear of water signs. Water signs will tend to be too emotional and may suffocate the relationship with a fire zodiac.

Fire signs and their compatible zodiac signs are:

• Aries - Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, Leo

• Sagittarius - Libra, Aries, Aquarius, Leo

• Leo - Aries, Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius

Zodiac signs under the air element get along with air, water and fire signs. Since they are great communicators, they get along with almost everybody. Earth signs will get smothered by an air signs at some point.

Signs that match are:

• Gemini - Libra, Aries, Aquarius, Leo

• Libra - Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, Leo

• Aquarius - Aries, Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius

The water element zodiacs are good to go with all other signs except for fire. Water gets along well with earth, air and water zodiac signs. Water and fire just don't mix well.

Compatible zodiac signs for the water element are:

• Cancer - Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo Pisces

• Scorpio - Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo, Pisces

• Pisces - Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus

Are you looking for a free dating site? Find your zodiac signs compatibility today!

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The Chinese Year Of The Rooster

The Chinese Year of the Rooster starts on February 9 and lasts until January 28 2006. There's a table below telling you the dates of other Chinese astrology signs.

There are twelve Chinese year signs in the Chinese Zodiac. Unlike in our western astrology, in Chinese astrology each sign lasts for a year. Legend has it that as Buddha was about to depart the earth he summoned all the animals to say goodbye. Only twelve turned up so, to show his appreciation of their loyalty, he vowed that from then on each year would bear the name of one of the animals.

Chinese astrology is based on the Lunar Calendar. This means the Chinese New Year does not fall on the same day each year and can vary by as much as 3 weeks. So for babies born in late January/early February it is necessary to consult the charts to determine the correct sign.

The Chinese Year Of The Rooster.
If you or your child was born in the Chinese year sign of the rooster you have far to go. Roosters are full of confidence, fearless and brave. They will take on an adversary far superior to themselves if they believe they are in the right.

If they can control their impulsive streak they are usually successful in business. Intelligent and ambitious, Roosters work hard and like to be in control, often successfully running their own businesses.

People born under this sign are extroverts and enjoy the company of others. They do not like to be criticised and their self-esteem can crumble if they are ridiculed.

Roosters hate to be bored and can be deliberately provocative if life is too dull.

Other signs either love or hate Roosters. Fortunately for the Rooster, most people love them.

Chinese Years:

February 9, 2005 - January 28, 2006: Rooster

January 22, 2004 - February 8, 2005: Monkey

February 1, 2003 - January 21, 2004: Goat

February 12, 2002 - January 31, 2003: Horse

January 24, 2001 - February 11, 2002: Snake

February 5, 2000 - January 23, 2001: Dragon

February 6, 1999 - February 4, 2000: Rabbit

January 28, 1998 - February 5, 1999: Tiger

February 8, 1997 - January 27, 1998: Ox

February 19,1996 - February 7, 1997: Rat

January 31, 1995 - February 18, 1996: Pig

February 10, 1994 - January 30, 1995: Dog

January 23, 1993 - February 9, 1994: Rooster

February 4, 1992 - January 22, 1993: Monkey

February 15, 1991 - February 3,1992: Goat

January 27, 1990 - February 14, 1991: Horse

February 6, 1989 - January 26, 1990: Snake

February 17, 1988 - February 5, 1989: Dragon

January 29, 1987 - February 16, 1988: Rabbit

February 9, 1986 - January 28, 1987: Tiger

February 20, 1985 - February 8, 1986: Ox

February 2, 1984 - February 19,1985: Rat

February 13, 1983 - February 1, 1984: Pig

February 25, 1982 - February 12, 1983: Dog

February 5, 1981 - January 24, 1982: Rooster

February 16, 1980 - February 4, 1981: Monkey

January 28, 1979 - February 15, 1980: Goat

February 7, 1978 - January 27, 1979: Horse

February 18, 1977 - February 6, 1978: Snake

January 31, 1976 - February 17, 1977: Dragon

February 11, 1975 - January 30, 1976: Rabbit

January 23, 1974 - February 10, 1975: Tiger

February 3, 1973 - January 22, 1974: Ox

February 15, 1972 - February 2, 1973: Rat

January 27, 1971 - February 14, 1972: Pig

February 6, 1970 - January 26, 1971: Dog

February 17, 1969 - February 5, 1970: Rooster

January 30, 1968 - February 16, 1969: Monkey

February 9, 1967 - January 29, 1968: Goat

January 21, 1966 - February 8, 1967: Horse

February 2, 1965 - January 20, 1966: Snake

The character traits of other Chinese signs can be found at our site.

Author: Tony Luck who runs a site with advice for Moms-to-be and new parents at http://www.baby-talk.co.uk.

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2012年3月4日 星期日

The Chinese Year of the Horse

If you were born under the Chinese year sign of the Horse, you're great fun! Horses are usually strong, handsome people with bags of energy, natural athletes often drawn to outdoor sporty activities. Not suited to paperwork, people born under this sign dislike dealing with detail and need plenty of exercise to keep alert.

Horses need to be the centre of attention and need to be liked. However, they can be stubborn and want complete freedom to do as they wish regardless of other's feelings. Instinctive and intuitive, Horses care little for other people's opinions.

People born under this sign like to dress up and they organise great parties. Never dull, likeable and great fun, if you're going on holiday and want to take a friend, choose a Horse!

There are twelve Chinese year signs in the Chinese Zodiac. Unlike in our western astrology, in Chinese astrology each sign lasts for a year. Legend has it that as Buddha was about to depart the earth he summoned all the animals to say goodbye. Only twelve turned up so, to show his appreciation of their loyalty, he vowed that from then on each year would bear the name of one of the animals.

Chinese astrology is based on the Lunar Calendar. This means the Chinese New Year does not fall on the same day each year and can vary by as much as 3 weeks. So for babies born in late January/early February it is necessary to consult the charts to determine the correct sign.

Chinese Years:

February 9, 2005 - January 28, 2006: Rooster

January 22, 2004 - February 8, 2005: Monkey

February 1, 2003 - January 21, 2004: Goat

February 12, 2002 - January 31, 2003: Horse

January 24, 2001 - February 11, 2002: Snake

February 5, 2000 - January 23, 2001: Dragon

February 6, 1999 - February 4, 2000: Rabbit

January 28, 1998 - February 5, 1999: Tiger

February 8, 1997 - January 27, 1998: Ox

February 19,1996 - February 7, 1997: Rat

January 31, 1995 - February 18, 1996: Pig

February 10, 1994 - January 30, 1995: Dog

January 23, 1993 - February 9, 1994: Rooster

February 4, 1992 - January 22, 1993: Monkey

February 15, 1991 - February 3,1992: Goat

January 27, 1990 - February 14, 1991: Horse

February 6, 1989 - January 26, 1990: Snake

February 17, 1988 - February 5, 1989: Dragon

January 29, 1987 - February 16, 1988: Rabbit

February 9, 1986 - January 28, 1987: Tiger

February 20, 1985 - February 8, 1986: Ox

February 2, 1984 - February 19, 1985: Rat

February 13, 1983 - February 1, 1984: Pig

February 25, 1982 - February 12, 1983: Dog

February 5, 1981 - January 24, 1982: Rooster

February 16, 1980 - February 4, 1981: Monkey

January 28, 1979 - February 15, 1980: Goat

February 7, 1978 - January 27, 1979: Horse

February 18, 1977 - February 6, 1978: Snake

January 31, 1976 - February 17, 1977: Dragon

February 11, 1975 - January 30, 1976: Rabbit

January 23, 1974 - February 10, 1975: Tiger

February 3, 1973 - January 22, 1974: Ox

February 15, 1972 - February 2, 1973: Rat

January 27, 1971 - February 14, 1972: Pig

February 6, 1970 - January 26, 1971: Dog

February 17, 1969 - February 5, 1970: Rooster

January 30, 1968 - February 16, 1969: Monkey

February 9, 1967 - January 29, 1968: Goat

January 21, 1966 - February 8, 1967: Horse

February 2, 1965 - January 20, 1966: Snake

Author: Tony Luck who runs a website with advice for moms-to-be and new moms. The site includes the interesting chinese birth chart which is supposed to tell you whether the baby you are expecting will be a boy or girl. Visit our shop for a unique range of personalised gifts for a baby

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Why Does Chinese New Year Fall on a Different Date Each Year?

I'm sure you’ve noticed that Chinese New Year falls on a

different day each year.

Why is this so?

I asked myself the same question and finally I figured it


Spring begins (立春, lìchūn) each year around Feb 4th (in

the Western calendar).

The first day of Chinese New Year starts on the New Moon

closest to spring.

(That’s why Chinese New Year is called the Spring


And ends on the Full Moon 15 days later with the Lantern


The first day of Chinese New Year is always between Jan 21st

and Feb 21st.

But why are Chinese New Year dates so “unpredictable”?

To answer this question, one has to look at how a month in

the Chinese calendar or lunar calendar is calculated.

A Chinese month yue4 月 which means “moon” is a REAL moon.

Each lunar month starts on the day of the new moon.

This is the day the moon is closest to the sun and not

visible at all.

Does it mean that one has to look at the sky each time to

tell the new moon?

Fortunately, the answer is “no”.

Otherwise there'll be a lot of stiff necks!

Because the new moon occurs with enough regularity to devise

a calendar based on its phases.

(Full moon in the middle of the month. Moon wanes at the end

of the month).

On average, each lunar month is 29.5 days.

(Sometimes the months are 29 days and other times they are

30 days.)

But multiplying 29.5 days by 12 months gives 354 days.

Which is 11 days short of 365 1/4 days, the cycle of the

four seasons.

Or 11 days "faster" if you like.

So, how does the Chinese calendar “wait” for the natural

world to catch up?

By adding an extra month to make a “thirteen-month year”.

Well, not every year but every few years.

How often? It turns out seven times every nineteen years.

In this way, the Chinese calendar year keeps in step with

the real world.

Each year in the Chinese Calendar is also named after one of

12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac.

Last year, 2005 was the year of the rooster and 2006 the

year of the dog.

Go to http://www.living-chinese-symbols.com/chinese-new-year-dates.html for a chart of

Chinese New Year dates from the year 1900 to 2019 you can

use to tell which is your animal sign.

It’s a “cool” system because you won’t have to remember

how old you are.

You’ll just have to know which animal year you were born


Here's a list of Chinese New Year dates from the

year 2000 to 2014 at [http://www.living-chinese-]


Want to discover the culture of Chinese symbols and characters and enhance your life? LIOW Kah Joon is your guide. Read his Chinese New Year Special and sign up for his free monthly Chinese Symbols ezine at Living Chinese Symbols

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Understanding the Chinese Calendars

Chinese calendars have been around since 2600 BC. This makes the Chinese New Year the longest record of time in history. In fact, it is even the largest chronological record. It began when Emperor Huang Ti first introduced the cycle of the zodiac, which is still in place today. The Chinese calendar is actually quite similar to the Western calendar. Known specifically as the Chinese Lunar Calendar, it is a yearly record of time. As the name suggests, it is based on the cycles of the moon.

One of the main differences between the Chinese and Western calendars is the naming of the years. Under the Lunar calendar, the twelve years are named after an animal. There is a legend which states that, before leaving the earth, Buddha had all of the animals come to them. However, only twelve came to say good bye to him. He rewarded them by naming a year after each one. They were named according to the order in which they arrived.

Thus is the reasoning behind the Chinese zodiac, which is tied in with the calendar. Many Chinese beliefs maintain that the animal names connected to the calendar are hugely influential for the people who were born in those years. It can affect everything from personality to preferences.

Over a quarter of the world's population is Chinese. That is how many people celebrate the Chinese New Year and ascribe to the associated calendar. Mind, they do not solely rely on the Lunar calendar. The Gregorian system a majority of the rest of the world uses is used by the Chinese for civil purposes. At its most basic point, the Chinese calendar determines the timing of the culture's various festivals.

The calendar is also based around certain astronomical factors. Specifically, it is based around the precise longitude of the sun, as well as the phases of the moon. As such, despite the fact that it is the oldest time piece in the world, the Chinese calendar has been impacted by modern science.

On one hand, the Lunar calendar bases its dates on the dates of the cycles of the moon. The cycles for the new moons are used specifically. Whenever the new moon occurs, it indicates a new month. The longitude of the sun is also used. It determines the Principal Terms of the Chinese calendar. Those in turn determine the actual numbers of each month.

In closing, as mentioned, each year corresponds to an animal. 2009 is the year of the Ox. The year of the Ox occurs every twelve years. The same can be said for the Dog, Rat, Snake, et cetera.

Henry Fong
Feng Shui Consultant.
Feng Shui Absolutely

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2012年3月3日 星期六

The 12 Animals of the Chinese Zodiac

The 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac represent the rotating 12-year cycle that forms the basis of Chinese Astrology. Each year in the 12-year cycle is referred by a particular animal like the 'Year of the Ox' or the Year of the Tiger'. People born in that particular year are said to display particular characteristics. These are discussed below.

Rat: Those born in the 'Year of the Rat' are witty, charming, alert and funny. They make generous and loyal friends. They seek money and can even become greedy. Compatible with Dragon or Monkey.

Ox: The Ox is unwavering, solid, a leader. The Ox is hard-working, stubborn, but can feel insecure. The Ox is reliable and protective. The Ox stands for stability. Compatible with Snake or Rooster.

Tiger: People born under this Chinese Zodiac are leaders. They exude authority. They are ambitious, daring and intense. On the negative side, they can be very moody. Compatible with Horse or Dog.

Rabbit: Rabbit is a sign of home, warmth, love and care. People born in the 'Year of the Rabbit' love their home and hearth. They are compassionate and very understanding. Compatible with Goat or Pig.

Dragon: These people are strong, energetic, charismatic and natural leaders. On the flip side, they have a very massive ego. Dragon is a sign of leadership and respect. Compatible with Monkey and Rat.

Snake: Like the creature snake, those born in this sign are a bit mysterious and secretive. They are charming, analytical and intelligent. They can also be insecure and jealous. Compatible with Rooster or Ox.

Horse: People born in the 'Year of the Horse' love freedom. They are fiercely independent and enjoy traveling. They tend to be impatient. Compatible with Dog or Tiger.

Goat: Goats are the loners and philosophers of the Chinese Zodiac. They are creative and think very deeply. They are insecure and unorganized. They are compatible with the Pig or the Rabbit.

Monkey: Those born under the Monkey sign love fun and frolic. They are energetic and very positive and active. They, however lack self-control and are not suitable for long-term relationships. Compatible with Rat or Dragon.

Rooster: Rooster is resourceful and practical. They are perfectionists. They tend to be very conservative and opinionated. Compatible with Ox or Snake.

Dog: The Dog is loyal and faithful. The Dog is a very sensitive sign. People born in this year are very moody. The Dog is very shrewd and will do well in any business. Compatible with Tiger or Horse.

Pig: The Pig is decent, gentle and has excellent taste. The Pig loves the finer things in life. They have strong aesthetic sense. They seek knowledge and the good life. Compatible with Rabbit or Goat.

Learn a little more about Chinese astrology and the different animal signs. Get daily, monthly and yearly horoscope predictions online.

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The Chinese Year of the Ox

If you were born under the Chinese sign of the Ox, you would make a great friend! Ox people are as honest as the day is long. They are instinctively trusted by others and rightly so. Straight forward and down-to-earth, the Ox says what he thinks and does what he says, disliking any form of deceit.

People born under this sign have strong emotional feelings but find it difficult to express these verbally. They don't rush into friendships, but once a friendship is established they are intensely loyal.

Ox people have an even temperament but if they do lose their temper, look out!

People born under this sign can be stubborn and they are reluctant to admit they are wrong. Their loyalty can work in reverse - they can be a friend for life but once they become an enemy, that too will be for life.

Ox people can be late developers, often finding success later in life.

There are twelve Chinese year signs in the Chinese Zodiac. Unlike in our western astrology, in Chinese astrology each sign lasts for a year. Legend has it that as Buddha was about to depart the earth he summoned all the animals to say goodbye. Only twelve turned up so, to show his appreciation of their loyalty, he vowed that from then on each year would bear the name of one of the animals.

Chinese astrology is based on the Lunar Calendar. This means the Chinese New Year does not fall on the same day each year and can vary by as much as 3 weeks. So for babies born in late January/early February it is necessary to consult the charts to determine the correct sign.

You will find a chart of the dates and signs below.

Chinese Years:

February 9, 2005 - January 28, 2006: Rooster

January 22, 2004 - February 8, 2005: Monkey

February 1, 2003 - January 21, 2004: Goat

February 12, 2002 - January 31, 2003: Horse

January 24, 2001 - February 11, 2002: Snake

February 5, 2000 - January 23, 2001: Dragon

February 6, 1999 - February 4, 2000: Rabbit

January 28, 1998 - February 5, 1999: Tiger

February 8, 1997 - January 27, 1998: Ox

February 19,1996 - February 7, 1997: Rat

January 31, 1995 - February 18, 1996: Pig

February 10, 1994 - January 30, 1995: Dog

January 23, 1993 - February 9, 1994: Rooster

February 4, 1992 - January 22, 1993: Monkey

February 15, 1991 - February 3,1992: Goat

January 27, 1990 - February 14, 1991: Horse

February 6, 1989 - January 26, 1990: Snake

February 17, 1988 - February 5, 1989: Dragon

January 29, 1987 - February 16, 1988: Rabbit

February 9, 1986 - January 28, 1987: Tiger

February 20, 1985 - February 8, 1986: Ox

February 2, 1984 - February 19, 1985: Rat

February 13, 1983 - February 1, 1984: Pig

February 25, 1982 - February 12, 1983: Dog

February 5, 1981 - January 24, 1982: Rooster

February 16, 1980 - February 4, 1981: Monkey

January 28, 1979 - February 15, 1980: Goat

February 7, 1978 - January 27, 1979: Horse

February 18, 1977 - February 6, 1978: Snake

January 31, 1976 - February 17, 1977: Dragon

February 11, 1975 - January 30, 1976: Rabbit

January 23, 1974 - February 10, 1975: Tiger

February 3, 1973 - January 22, 1974: Ox

February 15, 1972 - February 2, 1973: Rat

January 27, 1971 - February 14, 1972: Pig

February 6, 1970 - January 26, 1971: Dog

February 17, 1969 - February 5, 1970: Rooster

January 30, 1968 - February 16, 1969: Monkey

February 9, 1967 - January 29, 1968: Goat

January 21, 1966 - February 8, 1967: Horse

February 2, 1965 - January 20, 1966: Snake

Author: Tony Luck who runs a website with advice for moms-to-be and new moms. The site includes the interesting chinese birth chart which is supposed to tell you whether the baby you are expecting will be a boy or girl. If you need a gift personalised for a baby visit our shop.

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The Year of the Golden Rabbit Is Upon Us! Chinese New Year 2011

According to the ancient Chinese calendar, 2011 is known as the Year of Golden Rabbit, and is considered a lucky year! The custom of assigning an representative animal to each year stretches back at least 4,000 years, and is recognized all over Asia; from China to Singapore, not to mention China-towns the world over. You may remember eating at Chinese restaurants and examining the fascinating place mats. What you were really doing was researching your Chinese birth sign!

Those born in a Rabbit Year (1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, and 1999) are thought to be sociable folks who thrive in the presence of others; including teachers, counselors and other specialists in communication. Often possessing artistic sensibilities and good taste, "Rabbits" also value solitude, private space and time to be alone.

Even if you are not a "Rabbit," don't worry - every Chinese Year also provides general suggestions that apply to everyone, regardless of birth year. For instance, in a Rabbit Year, it is suggested to relax your nerves and calm your breath. Try making a priority of the things that are truly important, like your home, family and close relationships, especially with women and children. After you are in a calm personal space with your priorities straight, it will be much easier to deal with any problems that may arise.

We can all take a cue from those born in Rabbit Years. While some may call them cautious or even timid, "Rabbits" don't usually undertake anything before they have weighed the pros and cons from every angle. This year, we should be inspired to take stock of our situation and protect the people that are most dearest to us.

A great example is your life insurance policy. If something happens to the head of your household, is your policy enough to pay for the education of your children? What about the mortgage? No one can be sure of what the future holds. You can use tools like online life insurance calculators to gauge your needs and investigate costs.

This special and lucky year provides us all an opportunity to take a breath and evaluate our priorities. Align yourself with the Year of the Rabbit and aim to be reasoned, relaxed and reflective in your decision making.

If you want to find out what your Chinese Zodiac sign is, you can use Horoscope Online at http://www.gotohoroscope.com/2011/chinese-new-year.html.

Ileana Bravo is the Director of Media & Investor Relations at LifeQuote, the national leader in Term Life Insurance.

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2012年3月2日 星期五

Who Wants A Short Introduction To Chinese Astrology?

This year - 2011 - is the Year of Rabbit, if you follow the Chinese zodiac. It started from Feb. 3, 2011, which is the start of the lunar New year and the spring festival in China. It lasts until Jan. 22, 2012.

The Chinese zodiac is based on a twelve-year cycle and it is calculated according to the Chinese lunar calendar. Each year in that cycle is related to an animal sign. The animal signs are: the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.

The animal signs change each year, in late January or February depending on the new moon.

It is believed that the animal which rules the year of your birth has a strong influence on your life. It is also thought that a person born in a particular year embodies its animal's characteristics, as the Chinese see that animal.

However, Chinese astrology is not just that simple, as the 12 Chinese zodiac signs also denote months of the year, and time periods of the day. Every day is divided into two-hour periods which are represented by one of the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs, starting at 23.00 with the Rat. When all of these are combined, then the Chinese astrologer can tell you your destiny.

There is a lovely legend about the Chinese zodiac; It is said that the gods ordered that animals were to be chosen as signs for each year and the twelve which arrived first were to be selected. The rat arrived first, because he hitched a lift with the ox and so he became the first sign of the years.

Apparently the rat had promised to wake the cat up, so that they could travel together. But on the fateful day, the rat forgot to wake the cat and this is why cats hate rats to this day. Now, Chinese New Year's Day is when two animal years are divided.

While gifts based on the astrological signs are particularly valued by those who believe in the horoscope, they are also treasured and enjoyed by many, who simply appreciate traditions.

Gifts and good luck go together for so many people. The Chinese particularly value items such as jewellery etc., which are colored red and the good luck depends on its having been received as a gift, rather than being bought for oneself.

Because the Chinese people have special affection for red, redness has become the token of all good things.

The animal signs are used in many ways, to be given as gifts to those born in the corresponding year.

To learn more about Chinese Astrological gifts, visit http://www.squidoo.com/swarovski-rabbit-february-2011-year-of-the-rabbit

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Why You Should Know About Your Chinese 8 Characters

I have touched a lot on compatibility tests and 8 characters, but have yet to explain clearly what are the 8 characters and why are they important.

By the end of this article, you should have gained some basic knowledge on 8 characters and understand how the 8 characters affect you.

In Chinese astrology, the 8 characters actually refer to a person's date and hour of birth. There are 4 pillars, namely. . .

1. The Year Pillar

2. The Month Pillar

3. The Day Pillar

4. The Hour Pillar

These 4 pillars form the 8 characters as each pillar is made up of one heavenly stem and one earthly branch.

I can hear you asking, what is a heavenly stem and an earthly branch?And what are their uses?

The heavenly stems and earthly branches are used to represent each year. As you probably know that there are 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac and for each element, there is a different element. The 5 elements and 12 animals form 60 combinations.

After every 60 years, the cycle repeats itself.

The 5 elements actually represent the 10 heavenly stems. There are 2 heavenly stems for each element. One for the "yin" version of that element and the other for the "yang" version.

There are 12 earthly branches, which represents each of the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac.

For each year, there is one heavenly stem and one earthly branch. Similarly, for each month, each day and each hour, there is also a heavenly stem and an earthly branch.

That is how the 8 characters are derived.

Next, there is something called the luck pillars. The luck pillars are derived from your month pillar, either going backwards or forwards. Depending on whether you are male or female and the year you are born in.

The luck pillar is very important as it determines your luck cycle for a period of 5 to 10 years.

So how do you determine whether your luck cycle is good?

From you 8 characters, you will be able to determine which elements are favorable to you and which are not.

When you encounter favourable elements in your luck pillar, your luck cycles becomes good and vice versa.

From your day pillar, you will determine which element represents you. The next thing is your month of birth. Is the month you are born in favourable to your element?

I will simplify the process here for you. Let's say you are born on a Wood day, Metal month.

You probably know that Metal destroys Wood. Therefore your Wood is weak. You will need more Wood or Water(Water produces Wood) for your luck cycle to be good.

Whenever you encounter Wood or Water in your luck pillars, your luck cycle becomes good. If you encounter Metal or Fire, your luck cycle becomes bad. As Metal destroys Wood and Fire burns up Wood.

Do you know why people die?

Basing on 8 characters, you can determine if a person will survive through a major illness. Let me explain with a real life story.

I have a friend whose relative was suffering from cancer. I was curious, so I asked for the relative's date of birth.

This relative's element was Water, and he was born in Summer, a Fire month. Now, when Water is born in a Fire month, what happens?

The Water gets evaporated right?

Therefore this relative must have Water and Metal(Metal produces Water) in his luck pillars to have a smooth luck cycle. I checked his luck pillars to see if he would survive from the illness.

I was shocked.

He was going through a Fire period for 5 years. From 2003 to 2007, it was all Fire in his luck pillars. He found out that he had cancer in 2006, (Fire Dog year, a double Fire year). I somehow knew that he would not survive because of the "intense Fire" he was going through.

But I kept quiet about it because I did not want my friend to get upset.

Indeed, he passed away in June 2007, which happened to be a Fire Horse month(Double Fire again).

Before that, I actually tried to advise my friend to help his relative improve his luck cycle. But my friend, being a Christian, did not believe in all these.

Things could have improved if he increased Water and Metal in his daily life. But this is where destiny comes into play. As much as I would like to "save him", but I am unable to. It saddens me.

Let me share another case study. This time it is my brother.

My brother is Earth born in a Metal month. His favourable elements are Fire(Fire produces Earth) and Earth.

I checked out his luck pillars, he was going through a Fire luck pillar. In fact, he started going through the Fire period since the age of 16, and he had 25 years of Fire luck pillar. Before the age of 16, he did not do well in his studies.

Age 16 was his turning point. He has been doing well in every area of his life ever since then.

Therefore from here, you can see that by knowing your 8 characters, you are able to know when are your good times and bad times. You will not be taken by surprise and you can take measures to reduce the effect of the unfavorable elements.

I will share with you how to do it in another article.

Marco Chong is a practioner of Indian Numerology,Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui. He has 15 years of experience behind him. His strong points are analysing compatibility using Indian Numerology and Analyzing Birth Charts using Chinese Astrology.

For more information visit http://www.determineyourloverbynumbers.com

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The Chinese Horoscopes Can Be Confusing to Learn

You probably did not know it but 2008 is the Year of the Rat. The time line of the Rat comes once every twelve years. There are eleven other animal zodiac signs that occur once a year as well in Chinese horoscopes.

It is a far different cycle than the one Americans use. It all has to do with ancient mythology and about a king bringing together twelve animals and assigning them a specific year, which they would rule. Some feel it is the best astrology to be used, yet regardless of your personal feelings, it never hurts to learn more.

Chinese horoscopes differ from Western horoscopes in several ways. Take for example the zodiac sign Libra in the Western horoscope. It is for one month. But, as an example, the Rat is for one entire year. A Chinese zodiac sign is also given an element according to the year in which it falls. There are five elements in all.

Each Chinese zodiac sign occurs once in a rotation of twelve years. So that means, by the time an individual sign, say for example the Rat, is through its entire elemental cycle it has reached sixty years.

Then the cycle starts over again in a never ending pattern of the Great Solar Cycle. It can be very confusing, so do not worry overly about it. Most people only want to know the best astrology sign for their work day or their romantic interest.

It is important to know the animals involved in the Chinese horoscope, as well as their order. It starts off with the Rat. The following animals, in order are: Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Ram (or Sheep), Monkey, Dog and the Pig.

Each zodiac sign is given a spot in the constellations and is religiously followed by some individuals. It is a way of life that many practice religiously by looking up their horoscope daily.

Chinese horoscopes are fascinating and can provide you with countless hours of study, while learning the unique and rich culture behind each of the signs. You can visit "Chinese Astrology" to learn more about the fabulous Jade King and how he gathered together all of the twelve animals that represent the Chinese Zodiac. You can get a customized profile of your zodiac sign and then find out if your partner is right for you. It is a great way to pass the time and even though it is sometimes confusing, it is entertaining.

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When is Chinese New Year? What is it About Oxen and Rats?

Chinese New Year is a traditional festivity celebrated not only in China, but in many countries in Asia and in Chinatowns around the world.

The history of Chinese New Year dates back more than 4,000 years and has its roots in the growing cycle of the land, since China was back then an agricultural society. Chinese New Year marked the end of winter, and the earth coming back to life as the new budding season began in the spring. That is why Chinese New Year is also known as the Spring Festival.

Chinese New Year's Day is on the first day of the Lunar Calendar, as opposed to the Gregorian Calendar, so it could fall either in January or February. In 2009, Chinese New Year is on January 26, 2009. This will be the year of the Ox.

According to Chinese mythology, each year is assigned an animal. Every twelve years, a new moon cycle begins, and therefore, there are twelve animals in the Chinese Zodiac:

The Rat, the Ox, the Tiger, the Rabbit, the Dragon, the Snake, the Horse, the Goat, the Monkey, the Rooster, the Dog, and the Pig.

In order to determine the sequence in which each animal was assigned its spot in the 12 year cycle, the legend (one of many) recounts that the animals held a race. The last stretch of the race involved crossing the river. Whoever got to shore first would win and be nominated the first animal in the cycle, and the order in which the remaining animals came in would determine their corresponding place.

The Ox, who had always taken his responsibilities to heart, was on the lead, followed by the quick-witted Rat, who managed to jump on the Ox's back to cross the river. At the last minute, the Rat jumped ashore winning the race, and so it became the first animal in the cycle, followed by the Ox. The Pig, easy going and generous in nature, came in last, most likely because he stopped to help everybody else along the way.

In China, the year when a person is born is more important than the day and month. According to the myth, the Chinese zodiac animal determines the characteristics of that person. For example, the Ox is calm and hardworking, while the Tiger is aggressive and unpredictable.

The Dragon, once the symbol of the Emperor in Ancient China, has always been a favorite for Chinese. It is considered a great honor to be born in the Year of the Dragon. We can expect a mini-baby boom in 2012, the next Year of the Dragon.

Miriam Hoffmann is the founder and editor of china-family-adventure.com She is an overseas Chinese living currently in Germany and a frequent China traveler. Learn more and get ready for Chinese New Year and what your Chinese Zodiac animal will bring.

This article may be republished so long as links are active and attribution is given to china-family-adventure.com

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2012年3月1日 星期四

The Chinese Year of the Dragon

If the dragon is your Chinese year sign or the chinese sign of your child, you'll be glad to know that dragons are often good humoured and excellent company. They tend to see the larger picture and have a dislike of detail. Born leaders and original thinkers, Dragons can be very successful, although they have a tendency to plough on regardless and are reluctant to admit mistakes.

People born under the sign of the Dragon love action and excitement and find it difficult to relax. They will expend a lot of effort on a project if they think it worthwhile. Dragons love to be the centre of attraction and are susceptible to flattery. Beneath the confident exterior the Dragon is sentimental and trusting, and can become depressed when things go wrong.

People born under this sign are frank, quick thinking and adventurous, but are often misunderstood. They should guard against upsetting others with their directness. Dragons don't understand how to dress up their opinions and can upset others unintentionally. Tact is definitely not their strong point.

There are twelve Chinese year signs in the Chinese Zodiac. Unlike in our western astrology, in Chinese astrology each sign lasts for a year. Legend has it that as Buddha was about to depart the earth he summoned all the animals to say goodbye. Only twelve turned up so, to show his appreciation of their loyalty, he vowed that from then on each year would bear the name of one of the animals.

Chinese astrology is based on the Lunar Calendar. This means the Chinese New Year does not fall on the same day each year and can vary by as much as 3 weeks. So for babies born in late January/early February it is necessary to consult the charts to determine the correct sign.

Chinese Years:

February 9, 2005 - January 28, 2006: Rooster

January 22, 2004 - February 8, 2005: Monkey

February 1, 2003 - January 21, 2004: Goat

February 12, 2002 - January 31, 2003: Horse

January 24, 2001 - February 11, 2002: Snake

February 5, 2000 - January 23, 2001: Dragon

February 6, 1999 - February 4, 2000: Rabbit

January 28, 1998 - February 5, 1999: Tiger

February 8, 1997 - January 27, 1998: Ox

February 19,1996 - February 7, 1997: Rat

January 31, 1995 - February 18, 1996: Pig

February 10, 1994 - January 30, 1995: Dog

January 23, 1993 - February 9, 1994: Rooster

February 4, 1992 - January 22, 1993: Monkey

February 15, 1991 - February 3,1992: Goat

January 27, 1990 - February 14, 1991: Horse

February 6, 1989 - January 26, 1990: Snake

February 17, 1988 - February 5, 1989: Dragon

January 29, 1987 - February 16, 1988: Rabbit

February 9, 1986 - January 28, 1987: Tiger

February 20, 1985 - February 8, 1986: Ox

February 2, 1984 - February 19, 1985: Rat

February 13, 1983 - February 1, 1984: Pig

February 25, 1982 - February 12, 1983: Dog

February 5, 1981 - January 24, 1982: Rooster

February 16, 1980 - February 4, 1981: Monkey

January 28, 1979 - February 15, 1980: Goat

February 7, 1978 - January 27, 1979: Horse

February 18, 1977 - February 6, 1978: Snake

January 31, 1976 - February 17, 1977: Dragon

February 11, 1975 - January 30, 1976: Rabbit

January 23, 1974 - February 10, 1975: Tiger

February 3, 1973 - January 22, 1974: Ox

February 15, 1972 - February 2, 1973: Rat

January 27, 1971 - February 14, 1972: Pig

February 6, 1970 - January 26, 1971: Dog

February 17, 1969 - February 5, 1970: Rooster

January 30, 1968 - February 16, 1969: Monkey

February 9, 1967 - January 29, 1968: Goat

January 21, 1966 - February 8, 1967: Horse

February 2, 1965 - January 20, 1966: Snake

Author: Tony Luck who runs a website with advice for moms-to-be and new moms. The site includes the interesting chinese pregnancy calendar which is supposed to tell you whether the baby you are expecting will be a boy or girl. For a unique selection of personalised gifts, visit our website.

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Zodiac Tattoo Designs - Finding Your Ideal Zodiac Symbol Tattoo

Astrology has fascinated humankind throughout history, and the idea that the celestial bodies can have some influence on our lives - and thus some ability to predict what may happen - is a compelling one. Although cultures around the world have developed different versions of the zodiac, the 12 sign system that originated with the Greeks is the best known in the west today.

Even in our age of scientific advancement, astrology is as popular as ever, and many people who are interested in it are also attracted to zodiac symbol tattoos. Not everyone who gets a star sign tattoo is into astrology however; many are just attracted by the pleasing imagery associated with the different signs.

Whatever your motivation for getting a zodiac tattoo, here are some things to consider first: 

Think about the style of design you want - simple or ornate? Coloured or monochrome? 
Where do you want the tattoo to be situated? Some people like to display theirs in a prominent place, but if you live or work in a situation where that would be frowned upon, you might prefer to have it somewhere that's easy to cover up. 
Do you want a unique zodiac tattoo? If so, you should avoid the designs at your local tattoo studio or on free internet sites, as they're more likely to be commonly used. 
What type of zodiac are you interested in? Although the 12 sign Greek zodiac is the most commonly known in western society, many people also get tattoos of their signs in other systems, such as the Chinese zodiac, or Japanese kanji symbols.

Above all, don't get a tattoo on impulse, and don't go with the first design that catches your eye - chances are you'll regret it later. You should be sure that you really want a zodiac tattoo, and take plenty of time to find the perfect design for you.

You can read more about zodiac tattoo designs as well as various other tattoo-related topics, and if you want to see some of the best professional zodiac (and other) tattoo designs on the web, check out TattooMeNow, a very popular and high quality design and community site.

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Why Zodiac Symbol Tattoos Are Popular

If you are into astrology and you are planning on getting yourself a tattoo then what better way to show people your fascination with the stars and the symbols that can be found in them than to get one of the many zodiac symbol tattoos out there etched on your skin. Zodiac symbol tattoos are one of the most popular tattoos around and people everywhere can be found sporting lion symbols for the sign of Leo, scale symbols for Libra and scorpion tattoos for Scorpio. Why are zodiac symbol tattoos very popular among those who get artwork done on their skin and why is it one of the first things that people consider getting when they do decide to get themselves tattooed?

When some people decide to get tattoos of their zodiac signs tattooed on their skin, it is like affirming to the world that who they are is partly attributed to the star signs that they are born in. This kind of lets people get a hint of who they are without really having to tell people about it. Another reason why people get zodiac symbol tattoos is the fact that these are neither feminine nor masculine in nature, unless of course if you add certain touches to the design that will give it that female or macho touch. These tattoo designs are also easier to choose from since you won't have to figure out what kind of design you want to have. Some people have a tough time deciding on whether they should get a floral design, a tribal design or a radical design when it comes to tattoos and deciding on having you zodiac sign tattooed on your skin instead helps narrow down your choices considerably.

When you get zodiac symbol tattoos, you can actually choose to get one of the western zodiac signs that covers the whole year or you can get a Chinese zodiac sign that features animals that symbolize one year in 12. You can get tattoos of Chinese zodiac signs in designs that feature the animals that represent these 12 years of each cycle and these include such creatures like the monkey, the tiger, the dragon and the snake, to name just a few. If you want a rather understated representation of one of these Chinese zodiac symbols that represent the year you were born on your skin, you can opt for the Chinese symbol of these animals to be tattooed on you instead of the entire figure of the animal itself.

Want to know more about about zodiac symbol tattoos? Visit my site.

Subramani chinnaraj is the author of this article and he runs the site http://www.piscestattoos.net which contains largest gallery of tattoo designs at one place. You can find perfect tatto designs in 3 easy steps.

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2012年2月29日 星期三

The Chinese Year of the Dog

If you or your child was born under the Chinese year sign for the Dog your friends will be glad you were! Meeting people for the first time can be difficult for Dogs who tend to be cautious about trusting people. They take care to sum up other people but their instincts are usually correct.

Once a Dog has befriended you he will be a friend for ever. Dogs do not expect others to be perfect and will forgive a great deal rather than break a friendship.

Honest, sincere and loyal, Dogs have a tendency to underestimate themselves and are notorious worriers.

People born under this sign have strong humanitarian instincts and will work tirelessly to champion a cause they believe in. They have a strong instinct to help others and will rush to help any victim.

There are twelve Chinese year signs in the Chinese Zodiac. Unlike in our western astrology, in Chinese astrology each sign lasts for a year. Legend has it that as Buddha was about to depart the earth he summoned all the animals to say goodbye. Only twelve turned up so, to show his appreciation of their loyalty, he vowed that from then on each year would bear the name of one of the animals.

Chinese astrology is based on the Lunar Calendar. This means the Chinese New Year does not fall on the same day each year and can vary by as much as 3 weeks. So for babies born in late January/early February it is necessary to consult the charts to determine the correct sign.

Chinese Years:

February 9, 2005 - January 28, 2006: Rooster

January 22, 2004 - February 8, 2005: Monkey

February 1, 2003 - January 21, 2004: Goat

February 12, 2002 - January 31, 2003: Horse

January 24, 2001 - February 11, 2002: Snake

February 5, 2000 - January 23, 2001: Dragon

February 6, 1999 - February 4, 2000: Rabbit

January 28, 1998 - February 5, 1999: Tiger

February 8, 1997 - January 27, 1998: Ox

February 19,1996 - February 7, 1997: Rat

January 31, 1995 - February 18, 1996: Pig

February 10, 1994 - January 30, 1995: Dog

January 23, 1993 - February 9, 1994: Rooster

February 4, 1992 - January 22, 1993: Monkey

February 15, 1991 - February 3,1992: Goat

January 27, 1990 - February 14, 1991: Horse

February 6, 1989 - January 26, 1990: Snake

February 17, 1988 - February 5, 1989: Dragon

January 29, 1987 - February 16, 1988: Rabbit

February 9, 1986 - January 28, 1987: Tiger

February 20, 1985 - February 8, 1986: Ox

February 2, 1984 - February 19, 1985: Rat

February 13, 1983 - February 1, 1984: Pig

February 25, 1982 - February 12, 1983: Dog

February 5, 1981 - January 24, 1982: Rooster

February 16, 1980 - February 4, 1981: Monkey

January 28, 1979 - February 15, 1980: Goat

February 7, 1978 - January 27, 1979: Horse

February 18, 1977 - February 6, 1978: Snake

January 31, 1976 - February 17, 1977: Dragon

February 11, 1975 - January 30, 1976: Rabbit

January 23, 1974 - February 10, 1975: Tiger

February 3, 1973 - January 22, 1974: Ox

February 15, 1972 - February 2, 1973: Rat

January 27, 1971 - February 14, 1972: Pig

February 6, 1970 - January 26, 1971: Dog

February 17, 1969 - February 5, 1970: Rooster

January 30, 1968 - February 16, 1969: Monkey

February 9, 1967 - January 29, 1968: Goat

January 21, 1966 - February 8, 1967: Horse

February 2, 1965 - January 20, 1966: Snake

Author: Tony Luck who runs a website with advice for moms-to-be and new moms. The site includes the interesting chinese birth chart which is supposed to tell you whether the baby you are expecting will be a boy or girl. You will find a unique collection of personalized gifts at our shop.

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The Chinese Year of the Pig

If you were born during the Chinese sign of the Pig, you will make a great pal. Pigs are everything you would want in a friend: kind hearted and easy going, they forgive easily and don't bear grudges. They prefer to be generous and have sunny natures, preferring to be calm and cheerful.

People born under this sign work hard to secure their own comfort. Although not very ambitious, they can be successful because they prefer to do a job well. They accept advice so tasks are usually accomplished without difficulty.

Pigs enjoy their food and have healthy appetites.

This is a lucky sign and good things often happen to the happy pig.

There are twelve Chinese year signs in the Chinese Zodiac. Unlike in our western astrology, in Chinese astrology each sign lasts for a year. Legend has it that as Buddha was about to depart the earth he summoned all the animals to say goodbye. Only twelve turned up so, to show his appreciation of their loyalty, he vowed that from then on each year would bear the name of one of the animals.

Chinese astrology is based on the Lunar Calendar. This means the Chinese New Year does not fall on the same day each year and can vary by as much as 3 weeks. So for babies born in late January/early February it is necessary to consult the charts to determine the correct sign.

Chinese Years:

February 9, 2005 - January 28, 2006: Rooster

January 22, 2004 - February 8, 2005: Monkey

February 1, 2003 - January 21, 2004: Goat

February 12, 2002 - January 31, 2003: Horse

January 24, 2001 - February 11, 2002: Snake

February 5, 2000 - January 23, 2001: Dragon

February 6, 1999 - February 4, 2000: Rabbit

January 28, 1998 - February 5, 1999: Tiger

February 8, 1997 - January 27, 1998: Ox

February 19,1996 - February 7, 1997: Rat

January 31, 1995 - February 18, 1996: Pig

February 10, 1994 - January 30, 1995: Dog

January 23, 1993 - February 9, 1994: Rooster

February 4, 1992 - January 22, 1993: Monkey

February 15, 1991 - February 3,1992: Goat

January 27, 1990 - February 14, 1991: Horse

February 6, 1989 - January 26, 1990: Snake

February 17, 1988 - February 5, 1989: Dragon

January 29, 1987 - February 16, 1988: Rabbit

February 9, 1986 - January 28, 1987: Tiger

February 20, 1985 - February 8, 1986: Ox

February 2, 1984 - February 19, 1985: Rat

February 13, 1983 - February 1, 1984: Pig

February 25, 1982 - February 12, 1983: Dog

February 5, 1981 - January 24, 1982: Rooster

February 16, 1980 - February 4, 1981: Monkey

January 28, 1979 - February 15, 1980: Goat

February 7, 1978 - January 27, 1979: Horse

February 18, 1977 - February 6, 1978: Snake

January 31, 1976 - February 17, 1977: Dragon

February 11, 1975 - January 30, 1976: Rabbit

January 23, 1974 - February 10, 1975: Tiger

February 3, 1973 - January 22, 1974: Ox

February 15, 1972 - February 2, 1973: Rat

January 27, 1971 - February 14, 1972: Pig

February 6, 1970 - January 26, 1971: Dog

February 17, 1969 - February 5, 1970: Rooster

January 30, 1968 - February 16, 1969: Monkey

February 9, 1967 - January 29, 1968: Goat

January 21, 1966 - February 8, 1967: Horse

February 2, 1965 - January 20, 1966: Snake

Author: Tony Luck who runs a website with advice for moms-to-be and new moms. The site includes the interesting chinese birth chart which is supposed to tell you whether the baby you are expecting will be a boy or girl. Visit our shop for a unique range of personalized-gifts for any occasion.

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Zodiac Tattoos For Girls

Zodiac tattoos for girls are the perfect way to express your mindset and what is important in your life. They are inspirational whether they are positive or negative. Zodiac symbols have remained an important symbol for many generations, making them a viable option for girls. These tattoos for girls are personalised and a great way to express your beliefs. If you are a Libra and are proud of the nature that defines you as such, getting these zodiac tattoos are a great way to remind yourself of that influence.

Likewise, you can use these symbols to remind yourself how they affect you and your life. One of the many viable components to zodiac tattoos is the flexibility. The signs can be taken and tattooed as literal representations or incorporated as figurative representations. There are simple versions of the zodiac tattoos which do not include as much detail as the original signs.

For many, star signs are the equivalent of religious symbols. They represent an original design idea with a combination of your personality, offering a physical representation of something which holds a deep meaning to you. Of all of the many options, there are two main categories. There are twelve different astrological Zodiac signs and then there are twelve different Chinese zodiac symbols. These signs are typically linked to your future, signs of who you will love, positive traits which you have, ways to protect you from your negative side, as well as predictions about your past. It is typical to get a tattoo of your zodiac as well as getting a tattoo of the zodiac sign of a loved one.

The twelve different astrological star sign tattoos for girls include the Capricorn, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Leo, Virgo, Gemini, Taurus, Libra, Scorpio, and Cancer. The twelve different Chinese zodiac tattoos for girls include the Rat, the Snake, the Ox, the Monkey, the Rabbit, the Horse, the Dragon, the Sheep, the Pig, the Dog, as well as the Rooster. Selecting tattoos which integrate a symbol and sign from both of these zodiac signs is another common sight and can add to the potential creativity associated with your tattoo design. No matter which symbol is selected for your tattoo, it is important that you understand the symbolism and permanence of tattoos and then select the best location for the new zodiac tattoos for girls. There are really many options available when it comes to the artwork, so have fun.

If you would like to view our extensive range of girls tattoos, please visit our website Tattoos For Girls

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The Secrets of Chinese Astrology Signs Compatibility and Money Making

Chinese astrology signs compatibility is usually sort after by people who are interested in getting one thing or the other to be favorable to them, especially money making. It has been the quest of mankind and most entrepreneurs try to use astrology to find out what the future holds for their venture. Even children are known to have delved into astrology, especially the daily newspaper horoscope.

If you look back to your school days you will most probably recall that you have once tried to better you lot by inclining to the use of astrology one way or the other, especially in reading your future. I do remember delving into such escapades as a young person reading my stars from Newspapers on a daily basis without the knowledge of Chinese astrology signs compatibility and what I could gain with such knowledge.

That is talking a about childish use of astrology. Fact is that astrology has further uses and meaning that I just mentioned above. Military expeditions, manufacturing, Agriculture etc have been associated with astrological predictions in many countries, especially in the Asian continent. Americans are also known to have consulted astrologers prior to embarking on ventures. They make use of such predictions to better manage their actions, and there is this belief that knowing the Chinese astrology signs compatibility of your zodiac sign will go a long way to help you understand the future.

Making money is not in vacuum, you have to associate with other people in order to make money; in other words, your money is in the hands of other people, if you are attracted to them you will be able to harvest what money that is rightly yours. Your knowledge of Chinese astrology sign compatibility will help you relate better with people - it helps to easily identify people according to their Chinese zodiac signs.

For instance, if you find that an applicant has a Chinese astrology sign comparability of a rat you will immediately know that this guy will be meticulous, industrious, eloquent and sociable; attributes that are good for endearing customers to your business. You will also note that such personalities can be conning, manipulative and selfish, so you know first hand how to handle the fellow.

Having said all that, I hope you understand that everything depends on money, how much you make a day, a week, in a month and yearly. Your zodiac sign as it pertains to Chinese astrology signs compatibility can come handy to help you succeed in any business.

See how you can begin making money online with proven Chinese Astrology Signs Compatibility in working successful money making systems.

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