2012年2月6日 星期一

The Chinese Zodiac and Its Origins

The Chinese zodiac was created by twelve creatures called by Buddha during his death celebration. Buddha invited all of the animal kingdom, but only twelve of the animals arrived to wish Buddha a peaceful death. Buddha honored the twelve as the chosen to denote the Chinese zodiac. The twelve were challenged to cross a river and their ranking in the Chinese zodiac is a result of the order that each once finished with the rat being first. The rankings are: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. Along with the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac, Ying-Yang, and the elements water, wood, metal, earth, and fire are considered. With the twelve animals, the five elements and the Yin/Yang there is a possibility of 60 personality types in the Chinese zodiac. These personality types form a cyclical calendar instead of a linear calendar popular in western astrology.

Ying-Yang represents the opposing attractions of male/female with Yin being female and Yang being male. Those born in odd years are ruled by Yin and if born in an even year an individual is ruled by Yang. The character traits of yin are grounded, passive, and dark. The character traits of Yang are lofty, powerful and light.

The four elements in the Chinese zodiac are fire, earth, air, metal and water. These combine with the animals that they represent. There is a possibility of five of the each signs. For example, Fire-tiger, earth-pig, metal-pig, water-pig and air-pig. To determine which element is represented the date of birth is used according to the Chinese calendar.

The twelve of the Chinese zodiac determine the personality traits at a baby's birth. Rat individuals are fast tongued, charming, like to hoard, love to debate and intelligent. Rats match well with dragon, monkey. Ox individuals have a long fuse, persistent, and love to conserve their strength and be generous. Ox's match well with snake, rooster.

Tiger individuals are fearless, have an authoritative character, intense, and emotional Tiger's match well with horse, dog. Those born under the sign of the Rabbit are sincere, have a tender nature, are well liked and don't like to rock the boat Rabbits go best with sheep, pig. People with the Dragon sign {are fearless|have no fear|lack fear|, have a warm-hearted nature, attract attention and are energetic. Dragon's match well with rat, monkey.

Snake individuals bottle up their feelings, have generous spirit, intelligent and are sociable. Snakes go best with rooster, ox. People with the Horse Sign are high strung, are not so good at teamwork, love to travel and are upbeat. Horses match well with dog, tiger. Those born under the sign of the Sheep are peaceable, have a shy nature, profess fairness and are concerned with others. Sheep go best with pig, rabbit. Those born under the sign of the Monkey have a brisk nature, readily adapt to change, encounter good outcomes and witty. Monkey's match well with dragon, rat.

Those born under the sign of the Rooster are playful, have varied personalities, are willing to accommodate and are full of confidence. Rooster's match well with snake, ox. Those born under the sign of the Dog are steadfast in their allegiances, need to socialize, have an industrious nature and are steadfast. Dog's match well with tiger, horse, Pig individuals are generous, stubborn, feel a need for recognized and act with honorable. Pig's match well with sheep, rabbit.

The personalities of astrology signs in the Western Zodiac can be examined at DivineAnswers.com

Destiny Jones likes to write about new age spirituality and unexplained phenomena.

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