2012年2月3日 星期五

Zodiac Tattoo Art - A Guide to the Animals of the Chinese Zodiac

The Chinese culture has an influence in the western regions, so it's not surprising that the world is fascinated with the Chinese zodiac. This is particularly notable in the tattoo industry, as many people are choosing these zodiac symbols as inspiration for tattoos.

There are myths about how each of the twelve animals of the zodiac has a certain characteristic. One popular legend is that the emperor of heaven once invited twelve animals to pay him respects. The rat was the first animal to show up, and it's often said that he somehow tricked the cat and took his place. As a result, the house cat isn't one of the twelve zodiac animals (although the tiger is).

If you want to get a zodiac tattoo, here is an overview of the characteristics by year and animal.

The rat: (1948/1960/1972/1984/1996/2008)

Those born in the year of the rat are said to be very popular, charming, and sociable among friends and associates. Unfortunately, they can also be manipulative, selfish, and demanding.

The ox: (1949/1961/1973/1985/1997)

The ox has a lot of positive qualities. Those born in these any of these years are hardworking, dependable, patient, and modest. There are also times during which they are narrow-minded and rigid.

The tiger: (1950/1962/1974/1986/1998)

The tiger is an extremely popular zodiac tattoo. Those born in these ears are powerful, daring, commanding, and passionate. On the downside, they can be quick tempered, reckless, and impatient.

The rabbit: (1951/1963/1975/1987/1999)

Rabbits are usually considered to be friendly and gentle animals. Anybody born in this years is considered to be extremely gracious, compassionate, and kind. The downside is that they can be too cautious at times and even lack self-confidence and motivation.

The dragon: (1952/1964/1976/1988/2000)

Like the tiger, the dragon is also a popular zodiac tattoo. Those born in a year of the dragon are thought to be strong, passionate, proud, and ambitious. The negatives include a tyrannical and overbearing attitude.

The snake: (1953/1965/1977/1989/2001)

These types of people are deep thinkers, to the point at which they're shrewd and prudent, yet also very responsible. They always feel as if they have a purpose. The downside is that they are sometimes distrustful and lack decent social skills.

The horse: (1954/1966/1978/1990/2002)

The horse is another animal that's often depicted in a zodiac tattoo (sometimes as a unicorn). Those born in the year of the horse are popular, witty, and usually cheerful. The negatives of their personality are that they can talk too much at times, stubborn, and even a bit fickle.

The sheep: (1955/1967/1979/1991/2003)

"Sheep" people are believed to be mild-mannered, sincere, compassionate, and artistic. They are always seeking peace; unfortunately, they tend to worry too much about things and somewhat pessimistic.

The monkey: (1956/1968/1980/1992/2004)

Out of all the animals that depicted in a zodiac tattoo, monkeys have the closest relationship to humans. Those born in the year of the monkey are innovative, flexible, inventive, and logical. The downside is that they can be a bit selfish and egotistical at times.

The rooster: (1957/1969/1981/1993/2005)

"Rooster" type people have the animal's traits of meticulousness and alertness. They are organized and responsible to the point at which they're seen to be perfectionists. Unfortunately, they can also be overzealous and highly opinionated.

The dog: (1958/1970/1982/1994/2006)

Dogs are always seen as human's best friend and are popular in zodiac tattoo art. Those born in the year of the dog are loyal, intelligent, popular, and very amiable. The negatives of their personality make them a bit too judgemental and cynical at times. They also have a tendency to argue a lot.

The pig: (1959/1971/1983/1995/2007)

The pig is the last animal of the Chinese zodiac. Those born in the year of the pig are patient, peace loving, calm, intelligent, scrupulous, and understanding. However, self-indulgence and highly materialistic nature are the darker side of their personality.

Now you know which zodiac tattoo to get!

Terry Daniels of TattooDesign-Reviews.com, specializes in helping individuals get the styles and designs they need to make the right tattoo choices. Terry leads his team of tattoo experts in constantly reviewing new products and packages in the market to make sure you get the best value tattoo designs that look good on you. Check out actual user reviews of tattoo design sites and galleries at TattooDesign-Reviews.com.

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